Counseling and Psychiatry Services

We specialize in counseling, psychiatry, consultant services, parenting classes and teen guidance support, and so much more! We also do community outreach events!

We’re here to help you thrive

Mindful Behavior LLC takes an innovative approach when it comes to the community it serves. We know it can be difficult to find a counselor that takes your insurance but, also even more difficult to find a counselor you can personally connect with.

Overcome your obstacles


Define your goals

We help you fine-tune and get crystal clear on your goals. It may be harder than you think!

Choose your starting point

Facing and understanding exactly where you are in terms of this goal is a good place to start.

Clarify your journey

Breaking goals down into small steps is a smart choice for those facing big goals.

Take your first step

Taking that first small step is a big achievement for anyone. As counselors, it is our job to motivate you to do just that.

Let’s kickstart your Journey

We’ll be with you every step of the way.

We are here for you

Take a minute to think about what you need from us. Although we are here to help, we are limited in our time and after hours. Look at the image below for further assistance. If you or anyone feels at risk, go to the nearest emergency room or call 911. If you need to talk to someone 24/7 feel free to use the number below